Do you want to meet men or women in the American Dating Sites? Do you want to get started on the best American dating sites? In this article, Rencard Master analyzes the world of online and offline dating in the United States. Here are 5 things to know before meeting Americans:
1. Top 5 of the Best American Dating Sites + Our Advice For Singles:
The dating site market in the United States is simply huge. TripTogether.com You’ll find all sorts of dating sites there , ranging from generalist sites, such as match.com and POF, to “niche” sites whatever your tastes: sites for farmers, for people looking for their spiritual half , and even for bacon lovers!
Of course, thanks to the rise of American dating apps over the last ten years, Tinder and Bumble have become essential in the United States. But if you’re looking for a bit more in-depth relationship, it’s best to stick to a bit more serious dating sites.
In our globalized world, there are many dating sites that operate in France and the United States. The French dating site Elite Rencontre , for example, also has a presence in the United States as EliteSingles.com. This site is well suited for people over 30, educated and willing to meet singles in major cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc.
If you find yourself in a less urban area of the United States, it’s best to stick to the major American dating sites such as Match or POF (Plenty of Fish) or even OkCupid.
Here is our top 5 of the best American dating sites:
- Match (general site for anyone over 18)
- EliteSingles (for professional dating, especially for those over 30)
- POF (general site with a very large number of users)
- OkCupid (especially for hip youngsters – a bit more alternative audience)
- eHarmony (especially for those over 30 looking for a serious relationship)
But, since you can also read English (after all, you are going to meet people in America!), check HERE the 10 best dating sites in the United States (article written by Datermeister, our American colleagues).
2. Are you French and Want to Meet American Women?
As a French or European whose first language is not English, is it easy to meet American women? For one-night stands, in the medium term, or even for a great long-term story?
Sure !
These days, American women view foreign accents as “sexy.” It is also very “cool” to meet foreigners because many people in today’s politicized world dislike Trump and are a little ashamed of patriotic Americanism as it was practiced before.
More than 10 years ago, the feeling of patriotism in the United States was much more developed, but today, your French accent will be a great asset during your meetings!
But What About Long-term Relationships? – American Dating Sites
Never forget that American women are always strategic in their choice of guy. The conversation can often revolve around your salary, your living conditions, and the car you drive. In doing so, it will actually seek to determine your income, much more frankly than in Europe.
Never forget that the United States has never been so divided socially and politically. You can just as well seduce a young New Yorker charmed by your French accent, as find yourself in the depths of the Midwest with no one to talk to because you will simply be considered a foreigner!
I’m exaggerating a bit…it’s not that bad. But it is true, however, that there are two Americas.
3. Meet an American Man? – American Dating Sites
Are you a French woman and looking to meet American men?
American men are usually very focused on their careers. It’s in their genes somehow. The emigrants who crossed the Atlantic from Europe, especially in the 1800s and early 1900s, TripTogether were courageous and ambitious. And their descendants have always been hardworking and motivated.
But, a few generations later – what about millennials and the so-called Zoomers (Gen Z), i.e. today’s young men? Are they still ambitious, or are they just sitting in their parents’ basement watching Internet porn, or traveling the world on the family credit card without a care? Well, today you find both “extremes” in the United States.
We find both in the big cities a more European fauna, with a more “relaxed” attitude, as well as the old-fashioned Americans, ie a little more traditional and focused on their careers.
But, American singles in general are very open and laid back. You will definitely have a nice and fun time if you date American men – whether in the United States or here in France.
4. US Pickup Culture – American Dating Sites
Again, there are many differences, although attitudes are increasingly globalized and ‘normalized’.
So in America going on a romantic date will probably be more like a “job interview” than in Europe.
If in Europe, seduction relationships are based above all on romanticism, it is quite different in the United States, where flirting is more akin to a form of “negotiation” or strategic discussion. It is therefore very common in the United States to talk about his work and other subjects that are not necessarily discussed in Europe.
In addition, during the meetings, political issues can also be raised. As we mentioned, Americans are very divided politically these days. You are either for or against: there is no middle ground. In cities like New York or Los Angeles, saying something positive about Trump won’t work in your favor. Your date will end quickly if you’re a little too conservative with a trendy Brooklyn date.
And to stay in the realm of politics:
5. MGTOW or Feminism – What Effects on Relations in the USA in 2020?
Do you know the MGTOW movement? This is the acronym for Men Going Their Own Way (or, in French, “men following their own road” – you will find more info on this subject on Wikipedia ).
In the United States, a divorce is often VERY expensive for the man because it involves paying alimony to the woman. And if there are children, obviously the man will also pay an even higher pension.
This state of affairs is one of the reasons that gave birth to the MGTOW movement: men are now more reluctant to marry an American woman and have children with her. This controversial movement has contributed to dissension between women and men.
Feminism, on the other hand, which can be defined as the opposite of the MGTOW movement, is on the rise among young American women. Let’s also mention the #metoo movement which contributes even more to the divisions between women and men.
Also, if you are a single person of 30 years or more (in other words, if you have known the world “before” the Internet), and you are looking for a relationship in the USA, you may be surprise to discover. At how mentalities have changed in recent years. You may find that joking or talking. About certain topics has become taboo, or even considered politically incorrect. Also, be careful of your jokes and your opinions that are too strong!
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In Conclusion
Americans in 2020 are undoubtedly much more focused on international meetings. That said, it is important to keep cultural differences in mind.
Also, if you are single and want to meet now, just go to the blog of our American colleagues and consult the 10 best dating sites in the United States.